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Let's install the Wazo EUC Plugins SDK in less than 5 minutes.


Before starting, we suggest being familiar with the following subjects to ease your experience.


New to web technologies? We suggest this guide: Getting started with the web.

Using a Package Manager

You can install our SDK with your favorite package manager in the following ways:

npm install @wazo/euc-plugins-sdk

yarn add @wazo/euc-plugins-sdk

Then import the SDK in any file of your project.

import { App } from '@wazo/euc-plugins-sdk';
const app = new App();

Using a Content Delivery Networks (CDN)

Alternatively, you can load the Wazo SDK from a CDN. Use one of the following Content Delivery Networks:


import { App } from '';
import softphone from '';

const app = new App();


import { App } from '';
import softphone from '';

const app = new App();

What's Next?

🎉 Good job, you officially installed our SDK. The next step is to decide if you want to build a plugin to extend our products or integrate a softphone in an external system.
