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Softphone Introduction

This SDK allows you to easily embed and customize a Wazo Softphone in your application. If you have a CRM that requires a click-to-call feature, redirecting the user to the customer information when answering a call, ... this softphone will fit your needs.

To be able to integrate Wazo softphone in any web page, you can add :

import { softphone } from '@wazo/euc-plugins-sdk';

url?: string, // Url of the softphone to be loaded in the iframe (optional, default to
width?: number, // Width (in px) of the softphone (optional, default to 500).
height?: number, // Height (in px) of the softphone (optional, default to 600).
server: string, // Stack host where the softphone should connect user.
port?: number, // Stack port where the softphone should connect user (optional, default to 443).
language?: string, // Softphone language (optional).
wrapUpDuration?: number, // How long (in seconds) should the softphone display the card after the call (optional, default to 0).
// When the user changes anything on the card, this timeout is canceled
enableAgent?: boolean, // display the agent tab in the tab bar (defaults to true).
tenantId?: string, // Tenant id used for LDAP connection (optional)
debug?: boolean, // Set to `true` to display wording customization labels (default to false)
disableAutoLogin?: boolean, // Disable the autologin mechanism inside the softphone (useful when used with `loginWithToken`)
iframeCss?: IframeCss, // Customize the CSS of the iframe itself, default to `{ left: 0, bottom : 0 }`

SDK Methods

Login the user directly

Useful when you already have the user token (and refreshToken) and you don't want your user to login again.

softphone.loginWithToken(token: string, refreshToken?: string);

Making a call

  • number: Number to call through the softphone

Showing / hidding the softphone


Removing the softphone from the page


Each link with a href="tel:" or href="callto:" will make a call through the softphone.

Customizing page style

You can inspect the iframe with your dev tool console to figure out how to override styles.

# Reduce dialer number font size
.keypad-number, .keypad-number::placeholder {
font-size: 20px;

Override appearance

colors: {
// Theme, default values :
primary: '#203890',
button: '#292C87',
black: '#000',
white: '#fff',
greenButton: '#7ed865',
greenButtonHover: '#6ebf5a',
redButton: '#FA5846',
redButtonHover: '#FF604F',
buttonText: '#fff',
error: '#E80539',
secondary: '#203890',
grey: '#8A95A0',
secondGrey: '#eee',
headerColor: '#888',
avatar: '#bdbdbd',
divider: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)',
placeholder: 'rgba(22, 44, 66, 0.5)',
hovered: '#6181F4',
metrics: {
spacing: {
tiny: 5,
small: 10,
medium: 15,
large: 20,
larger: 25,
big: 30,
huge: 40,
gigantic: 50,
icons: {
xsmall: 12,
smaller: 15,
small: 19,
mediumSmall: 25,
medium: 30,
large: 40,
huge: 42,
breakpoint: {
xs: 0,
sm: 600,
md: 960,
lg: 1280,
xl: 1920,
borderRadius: 5,
card: {
activity: {
height: 57,
phonebookContact: {
height: 58,
search: {
height: 35,
navigation: 60,
sidebar: 315,
search: 359,
lineStatus: 16,
dialer: {
key: 30,
description: 15,
infoBanner: 43,
infoBannerSmall: 26,
}, {
// Translation
// Set `debug: true` to know where to change translations, like below:
en: {
user: {
login: 'My login button', // will be displayed as `user:login` in the button when settings `debug: true` in the init() method
}, {
// Assets
// logo: [url to your logo],

Customizing card form

You can use JSON schema to customize the card form with softphone.setFormSchema(schema, uiSchema), the Softphone uses React Json schema form internally to display card form :

type: 'object',
required: ['title', 'phone'],
properties: {
title: { type: 'string', title: 'Title' },
phone: { type: 'string', title: 'Phone' },
note: { type: 'string', title: 'Note' },
}, {
note: { 'ui:widget': 'textarea' },

Auto complete

We can use an autocomplete widget to search on fields in the uiSchema:

note :{ 'ui:widget': 'textarea'},
clientId :{ 'ui:field': 'autocomplete'},

In the schema field, we can customize if we want to display a + button :

clientId: {
type: 'object',
title: 'Client id',
// triggers the `onDisplayLinkedOption` event when changing the value
triggerDisplay: true,
// createForm is another JSON schema the description the add option form.
createForm: {
optionLabel: '%firstname% %lastname%',
schema: {
type: 'object',
required: ['phone'],
properties: {
firstname: { type: 'string', title: 'Firstname' },
lastname: { type: 'string', title: 'Lastname' },
phone: { type: 'string', title: 'Phone' },
uiSchema: {}

Sending search results to the softphone:

// `results` should have a `label` field, like: const result = [{ label: 'Alice', id: 1 }];
softphone.onOptionsResults(fieldId, results);

onOptionsResults is used to populate Autocomplete fields

Updating card value:

softphone.setCardValue(field, value);

Callbacks / Events

You can listen to softphone callback, with :

softphone.onLinkEnabled = (link: HTMLLinkElement) => {
// link is `<a>` html tag in the page with a href="tel:xx" (or callto:xxx) being processed
// You can make change here, like adding className, etc ...

softphone.onCallIncoming = (call: Call) => {
// Invoked when a call is incoming in the softphone
// You can make action here like redirecting to the contact page (by using `call.number).

softphone.onCallLocallyAnswered = (call: Call) => {
// Invoked when the user accepts the call locally

softphone.onCallEstablished = (call: Call) => {
// Invoked when the call is up

softphone.onOutgoingCallMade = (call: Call) => {
// Invoked when the user makes a call

softphone.onCallRejected = (call: Call) => {
// Invoked when the user rejects an incoming call

softphone.onCallEnded = (call: Call, card: Card, direction: string) => {
// Invoked when the call is ended

softphone.onCardSaved = (card: Card) => {
// Invoked when the user save the card at the end of the call

softphone.onCardCanceled = () => {
// Invoked when the user discards the card

softphone.onSearchOptions = (fieldId: string, query: string) => {
// Invoked when the user is searching from an Autocomplete field in the card form
// We need to call `onOptionsResults` here to send results to the softphone

softphone.onDisplayLinkedOption = (optionId: string) => {
// Invoked when the user is selecting a value in a Autocomplete widget
// useful to display this entity in your application

softphone.onWazoContactSearch = (query: string) => {
// Invoked when the user is searching from contact page

softphone.onAgentLoggedIn = () => {
// Invoked when the agent logs in

softphone.onAgentLoggedOut = () => {
// Invoked when the agent logs out

softphone.onAgentPaused = () => {
// Invoked when the agent is paused

softphone.onAgentResumed = () => {
// Invoked when the agent is resumed

softphone.onLanguageChanged = (language: string) => {
// Invoked when the user changed the softphone language

softphone.onCallHeld = () => {
// Invoked when the current call is held

softphone.onCallResumed = () => {
// Invoked when the current call is resumed

softphone.onCallMuted = () => {
// Invoked when the current call is muted

softphone.onCallUnMuted = () => {
// Invoked when the current call is un muted

softphone.onDtmfSent = (tone: string) => {
// Invoked when the user is sending a DTMF in the current call

softphone.onDirectTransfer = (number: string) => {
// Invoked when the user is transfers the current call directly

softphone.onCreateIndirectTransfer = (number: string) => {
// Invoked when the user initiates an indirect transfer for the current call

softphone.onCancelIndirectTransfer = () => {
// Invoked when the user cancels the current indirect transfer

softphone.onConfirmIndirectTransfer = () => {
// Invoked when the user confirms the current indirect transfer

softphone.onIndirectCallMade = (call: Call) => {
// Invoked when the current indirect transfer is made

softphone.onIndirectTransferDone = (call: Call) => {
// Invoked when the current indirect transfer is over

softphone.onStartRecording = () => {
// Invoked when the user records the current call

softphone.onStopRecording = () => {
// Invoked when the user stops recording the current call

softphone.onCallLogCreated = (callLog: CallLog) => {
// Invoked when the user receive a new call log.

softphone.onWebsocketMessage = (message: Object) => {
// Invoked when the a Wazo websocket message is received in the softphone

softphone.onAuthenticated = (session: WDASession) => {
// Invoked when the user is authenticated in the softphone

softphone.onLoggedOut = () => {
// Invoked when the user is is logged out in the softphone

softphone.onIFrameLoaded = () => {
// Invoked when the iframe is loaded

// Prefill form select
Softphone.optionsFetched('myField', [
{ label: 'Foo', id: 'test' },
{ label: 'Bar', id: '123' },


Displaying a browser notification for incoming calls

import { softphone } from '@wazo/euc-plugins-sdk';

// Ask for notification permission if not yet granted
if (Notification.permission !== 'granted') {

url: 'http://localhost:3000',
server: '',

softphone.onCallIncoming = call => {
new Notification(`Call incoming from ${call.displayName}`);

Make an API call from the WAZO SDK

Listing user call logs on login.

import { softphone } from '@wazo/euc-plugins-sdk';
import Wazo from '@wazo/sdk/lib/simple';

const server = '';

url: 'http://localhost:3000',

softphone.onCallIncoming = call => {
new Notification(`Call incoming from ${call.displayName}`);

softphone.onAuthenticated = async session => {

const callLogs = await Wazo.api.callLogd.listCallLogs();

A note about autoplay

When the softphone is loaded and the user hasn't made any interaction with the page, we can fall into the Autoplay restriction of chrome.

Even if the softphone uses iframe delegation, we need to have a user interaction before being able to play the ringtone sound for incoming call.